July 12, 13, & 20

@ Northern Delights

8 p.m. - $10

About the Plays

Operator 72 is training to be a counselor for the SILT (Socially Inappropriate Language Therapy) Hotline. This is where clients call to blow off steam by swearing at the counselor operators, using socially inappropriate language to release tension so they can calm down and solve their problems. After extensive study, on-the-job training and a verbal test, Operator 72 is ready to become a fully accredited counselor by facing his final challenge.

Imagine hailing a cab only to find your life suddenly taking a U-turn. Chris and Samantha meet under seemingly coincidental circumstances when they reluctantly agree to share a taxi. But is anything really just coincidence? The pair realizes they have more in common than they ever could have imagined, so they have to wonder if their meeting was serendipity ... or fate.

In this comedy farce, a veteran actor prepares to deliver a lecture on the meaning of Shakespeare's King Lear, when he is interrupted by a cell phone going off more than once in the audience. Ordering the offending audience member on stage to explain his rude behavior, the actor in effect becomes Lear as the play progresses, and the young man with the cell phone becomes "Lear's Fool."

A domineering old maid persuades her silly spinster sister in a plot to murder their mother and what a time they have doing it! Mother doesn’t eat the poisoned cookies, there are no shells in the shotgun, and pushing her out of the window of the first floor isn’t practical. The only thing to do is to sit down and have a quiet cup of tea, which mother has thoughtfully prepared.

July 12, 13, & 20

@ Northern Delights

8 p.m. - $10